Friday, 6 November 2009

Civil Society From A Historical Perspective

Civil Society From A Historical Perspective
By Jürgen Kocka

Summarized by Beny Trias Oktora
Master of Arts (MA) Candidate Major in International Development and Cooperation Graduate School of International Studies Korea University

Civil society is most likely ideal condition for better life of human. On which way or means that could guide to bring civil society, I argued that only with democracy. Because the conception of democracy can carry synchronizing of different kinds of ideology, ethnics, religion and so on that are exist in society. From the ancient society until modern life nowadays, most of people dream of the presence of civil society. Why? Because I argued that civil society consigns equality, tolerance, and rule of law as main frame. The terminology of civil society has been known for century since Aristotle to millennium era. Civil society also has been up and down its popularity in human life history.

Civil society tends to become social movement especially in western society that emphasized on social movement such environment protection, human rights abuse and anti war movement. In developing countries also civil society movement translated into movement against anti-democracy government or authoritarian regime. For instance in Indonesia, many civilian leaders involved in demonstration against authoritarian regime.

The rise of economy concern has brought different dimension for civil society. Free market economy and civil society nowadays or in the beginning of 21st century has been scrambled each influence. Most of people that are reflected from some transition nation in ex Soviet Union parts and also communism countries like Vietnam and China are implementing free market economy because they are strongly believe that free market economy will bring prosperity to their people. For newly industrial countries such as Japan, South Korea and ASEAN countries (probably) they are trying to implement civil society as their economy has already reached mature condition or they have enjoyed the benefit of economy.

On the other hand, free market economy condition or policy offered inducement for formation civil society. Author mentioned about decentralization of economy as one cause on how civil society can grow. Author emphasized that capitalism has different kinds. I argued that capitalism is the same everywhere. Because capitalism concern is only for profit orientation and ignored other things. Capitalism behavior is relatively the same; they are searching for low cost production and higher profit. And the most common capitalism behavior is exploited cheaper labor. This behavior is violated the principle of civil society and any remedy using CSR is debatable whether it is useful or not.

Strong state in term of government that formed using democracy mechanism tends to have commitment to build civil society rather than anti-democracy or authoritarian regime. Thanks to devolution of power in democracy country so that each power in the country cannot pose policy that harmed to their people because there is other power in the state that could deny the policy as they check the policy.

Middle class is one major actor who plays significant role to form civil society is debatable. The reality nowadays showed us different fact. In Indonesia, local NGOs or International NGOs that have branch in Indonesia such as Transparency International Indonesia has high commitment in building on strengthening law enforcement by advocating transparency issue in government field. Religion organization that has moderate view also has high commitment to build civil society.

Are Western Europe and North America: United States and Canada example of Civil Society? They can call civil society when they treated their own citizen. But when they attack another country I conclude that they are not civil society particularly their government. Because their government is formed based on political party that has group interest for example Republican Party in United States tends to be for the haves that have interest in building their wealthy by making war. Civil society like other concept that exports from western to eastern have different way to being adopted by eastern. That is why the process of how to implement the concepts in each country has different ways. Even in western parts, the ways they implement the concept of civil society has different path.

Combinations of interest group such as political party and bad government will challenge of the formation of civil society. Especially in country at which the maturity of political and law enforcement are being questioned. For example Indonesia, even though nowadays Indonesia had granted as world`s third largest democracy in the world, law enforcement and bad management of government problem still exist. Democracy is one step and the other steps of creation of civil society still needed a lot of efforts to do. Democracy is not given guarantee that automatically the government has commitment to build civil society. Generally the dream of civil society is still future concept or utopia.

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